reading tutor, dyslexia tutor

How to Find the Right Reading Tutor or Dyslexia Tutor

I often have clients and parents ask how they can be sure they have found the right reading tutor. There are many reading tutors, dyslexia tutors, and reading specialists to choose from with a variety of qualifications. It really will depend on what the student needs. How to find a reading tutor? First, try calling…

Highly Effective Dyslexia Interventions and Programs
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Highly Effective Dyslexia Interventions and Programs

With dyslexia being estimated as occurring in 1 out of 5 students in a typical classroom, you might be looking for some effective dyslexia interventions and programs. Before explaining strategies you can use to help dyslexic students, you should really understand dyslexia. It is a language-based learning disability that will require a multisensory, structured language…

Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Strategies & Activities for Struggling Readers

Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Strategies & Activities for Struggling Readers

In this post, I share my favorite phonological and phonemic awareness strategies and activities for struggling readers. Phonological awareness is the first step in learning how to read and spell. Phonological awareness refers to the ability to hear and manipulate sounds (can be syllables, onset, rime, or phonemes), while phonemic awareness refers to the ability…

multisensory learning activities

What is Multisensory Learning and How to Implement Multisensory Teaching

If you’ve read my blog before you have seen me mention multisensory learning. It’s something I came across years into teaching that I wish I had learned about from the beginning. Multi sensory learning has been the most effective way to teach my struggling learners, especially those with dyslexia. There are a number of successful…

systematic synthetic phonics for students with dyslexia

Why Systematic Synthetic Phonics Is Best for Dyslexic Students + Freebies!

Teaching students with dyslexia to read involves very different methods than the traditional reading programs used in most classrooms. Effective phonics instruction is key to remediating reading difficulties and using a systematic synthetic phonics program is best. But first I’ll go over each type of phonics method to help you see why they are inadequate…