winter read aloud books

Winter Read Alouds For Grades K-8 (Secular)

Are you looking for some secular winter read alouds? If so, I have you covered from picture books to novels that are about winter or take place during the winter. I’ve rounded up several of my favorite winter read alouds that you can read to your kids. Remember that read alouds provide the perfect opportunity…

Christmas read alouds

34 Christmas Read Alouds For Grades Pre-K – 7

The holiday season is a great time to read books that teach kids about Christmas or help them get into the holiday spirit. In my experience, students love when I read aloud chapter books with highly relatable plot lines that allow us to discuss the story and work on comprehension skills. And there are so…

print concepts
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Print Concepts: Essential Guide for Educators + FREE Printable!!

Before kids can learn to read, they need to understand how print works. Print concepts are the basic rules that show how books and written language function. These early skills help children make sense of text and build a strong foundation for reading success. As a parent or teacher, you play a big role in…

Reading Logs: FREE Resources + Reading Log  Alternatives

Reading Logs: FREE Resources + Reading Log Alternatives

Do you remember using reading logs as a kid? I remember having them throughout elementary and middle school. And as a teacher, most schools have required me to assign reading logs to my students. But as I have learned more about reading and best practices (based on research), I have learned that they are not…